Jennifer TSE

Barrister at Sir Oswald Cheung's Chambers

Tel :        (852) 2524 2156 
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Jennifer is a Charles Ching Scholar. Jennifer is developing a broad civil practice and has appeared in her own right and as led junior in the High Court, Lands Tribunal, Family Court, and District Court. She has experience in land (including Compulsory Sale), trusts, probate and estate administration, commercial and company matters, intellectual property, employment, construction, regulatory, arbitration, and family matters. She accepts instructions in both English and Chinese, and regularly conducts meetings in Putonghua.

Before joining the Bar, Jennifer graduated from the BCL at the University of Oxford. Prior to that, she was a trainee solicitor at a prominent firm, with training in commercial litigation, employment, and corporate. She graduated top of her class for both PCLL (with Distinction) and every academic year for her LLB at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (with First Class Honours). She secured 28 scholarships or awards, with 3 subject prizes for LLB and 1 subject prize for the BCL.

Jennifer's courses